Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid is an amazing antioxidant offering innumerable health benefits when consumed as vitamin C supplements. The supplements are very useful in keeping the adrenal gland functioning healthy and also for gums and tissue repair and the body's general growth.
Vitamin C supplements defend the body against the damaging effects of harmful environmental effects, pollution as well as aid the body in the manufacturing of anti-stress hormones and interferon. The body requires vitamin C supplements for the metabolism of tyrosine, phenylalanine and folic acid.
Vitamin C supplements are believed to control the high blood pressure. Yet other benefits discovered related taking vitamin C supplements are its efficacy to reduce the cholesterol and lipid levels. It also thus prevents hazardous conditions such as atherosclerosis.
More of the benefits of vitamin C supplements include protecting the body from various infections, cancerous growth, and enhancing the immune system. Vitamin C supplements help the body's capability to absorb the iron.
It is also very important in the formation of collagen and it helps in protecting against bruising and blood clotting. Ascorbic acid is supposed to help in healing the wounds and also some problems like stomatitis. .
Evidences show that there are benefits from taking vitamin E and vitamin C supplements altogether since they are reported to work synergistically. They reinforce and augment each other's antioxidant properties. In other words these vitamin supplements work together that make them to possess greater effects as compared to their separate usage. Vitamin C supplements help getting rid of oxidants in the form of free radicals and hence save the body tissues and cells.
If you do not take vitamin C supplements in proper quantity, you may lack of vitamin C i.e. ascorbic acid and then there would be signs of deficiencies of this vitamin such as very likely to have infections particularly poor digestion and colds, joint pains and bronchial infections.
Other signs of deficiencies of vitamin C are exhausting without any work, dullness, debility, lack of energy, tendency to bruise easily, delayed wound healing and lack of concentration.
It is not a secret anymore that vitamin C deficiency can result in the disease called scurvy. The condition is not so commonly seen in Western countries. It features soft spongy bleeding gums, severe debility; edema, delayed wound healing, and hemorrhages typically beneath the skin.
Apart from Vitamin C supplements, it can also be obtained from taking particular diet. However, it is important to know that the body cannot manufacture this vitamin and most of the ascorbic acid consumed in one's diet is excreted in urine since it is a water soluble vitamin. In this way, daily vitamin C supplements are required to keep the body healthy.
The dosage of the supplements differs from manufacture to manufacture and from patient to patient. For instance, pregnant lady should not take doses more than 5,000 milligrams of vitamin C supplements a day since their fetus i.e. infant may get affected with such excess or megadose that ultimately may cause harm.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2004155
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