As we get along in our years and as we get past our prime people from all walks of life want to turn back the clock and rewind the aging process.
We are all aspiring to stop the aging process, despite the fact that it is inevitable. But is there really a way to slow aging naturally? There are so many anti aging products available on the market today, but the problem is most of them don't work.
One very important way to preserve health and slow aging naturally is with vitamins. Vitamins and supplements can help you to retain some semblance of your youth, as well as to reduce the effects of aging.
Not all vitamins and supplements are created equally. Here, we will review various supplements and their effects on your body, as well as their anti-aging properties. The following are 5 tips to slow aging naturally.
Slow Aging Naturally Tip #1 - Niacin
Niacin helps your skin to be able to retain moisture. As you age, your skin dries out and loses the ability to stay moist. Niacin also supports the immune system to help you to remain resistant against various illnesses and disease. Niacin helps to reinvigorate your skin by assisting in the removal of dead skin cells from the epidermis.
Often, dry skin can be a direct result of a lack of niacin. Niacin has the ability to increase high density lipoproteins which are good cholesterol as well as to assist in reducing the fat content contained in your blood stream (triglycerides) which can be a contributing factor to heart disease and stroke. It also works to convert foods that you eat into energy which can be used by your various cells in their specific functions.
Studies show that one out of four people do not get enough niacin in their diet. These statistics are much higher in the lower income bracket. One way that food companies have been working to combat this deficiency is by adding niacin into breakfast cereals.
Slow Aging Naturally Tip #2 - Vitamin C
As we age, free radicals can increase within our cells. While free radicals do play a significant part in the function of our cells, too many of them can have detrimental effects on our bodies. Free radicals are increased with impurities and toxins that we breathe in daily, as well as exposure to additives in foods and radioactive emissions.
Vitamin C is an antioxidant which works to destroy free radicals, and keep them within healthy levels. Vitamin C can assist in the absorption of Vitamin E, which is also an antioxidant. Although you may not realize it, the condition of your skin is often an indication of your body's health on the inside.
Your skin has a foundation, if you will, that has a certain elasticity and suppleness to it. The underlying component of this is collagen. Vitamin C can improve the resiliency of collagen as well as to assist in the creation of it.
As we age, our ability to form collagen is reduced and this can make skin appear more wrinkled and aged. Collagen helps to keep your skin supple and resist damage.
Slow Aging Naturally Tip #3 - Vitamin B2
This water-soluble vitamin is used by your body to process and metabolize fats, amino acids, and to produce the materials we require to derive energy from our bodies - ATP.
Many of us do not have a deficiency of this vitamin; however, it does play a very important role within the body. Vitamin B2 is usually included in the formulation of most anti oxidant supplements because has many anti oxidant properties.
Slow Aging Naturally Tip #4 - Omega 3 Fatty Acids
Many of us have been led to believe that fat is bad and should not be included in our diets at all. While this is partly true, it is not the entire story. We do require a certain amount of good fats that are not saturated. It is recommended that you eat fish, such as salmon, sardines, mackerel and herring at least two times per week in order to gain the benefits of this essential oil.
Slow Aging Naturally Tip #5 - Ginseng
This ancient Chinese herbal remedy has many qualities. Among them, the ability to reduce stress by limiting stress hormones, improve sharpness as well as mental function and to increase blood circulation to the brain.
Ginseng has also been used to assist people who are having difficulty in getting a good night's sleep. Apparently Korean Ginseng contains "natural" steroids which can assist in building and maintaining lean body mass.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5132982
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