I went on a search recently to find the best Vitamin D supplement, and I found it. This is great news, because almost all of us need to take a Vitamin D supplement.
I starting learning about the advantages of Vitamin D just over a year ago, after my new doctor recommended I take a Vitamin D supplement. That research turned up so many benefits of Vitamin D, with new ones being discovered all the time.
A short list of benefits of Vitamin D include: helps with bone formation and calcium absorption, helps fight disease, helps keep inflammation in check, and reduces the risk of developing all sorts of diseases, including depression, autoimmune diseases, cancer, high blood pressure, and heart disease. So it's really good stuff for everyone, and it's critical to me for managing the inflammation, depression, and many other aspects of my Rheumatoid Arthritis (an autoimmune disease of the joints).
While doing my research, I also discovered that the majority of people in the United States and most other places in the world have a Vitamin D deficiency. When my doctor tested my Vitamin D3 levels before recommending a Vitamin D supplement, I was Vitamin D deficient.
I also researched whether I could get enough Vitamin D without supplementing - I personally would rather take fewer supplements than more. I prefer to get nutrients from whole foods rather than supplements or enriched foods.
The only sources of Vitamin D3 other than Vitamin D supplements are food and sunlight. There are very few foods that provide Vitamin D (egg yolks, liver, and wild-caught oily fish), and they don't provide the amounts we need, if we eat them at all (many people don't ever eat these foods).
So can we get enough Vitamin D from sunlight? I personally believe this is the way our bodies were built to get Vitamin D. Our bodies make Vitamin D3 from sunlight. However, most of us don't get enough sunlight to get the amount of Vitamin D we need (dependent on many factors here: how far away from the equator you live, what season it is where you live, how dark your skin tone is, and whether you go out in the sun at all or wear sunscreen, to name a few). Nearly every dermatologist and most doctors recommend you not even attempt to get your Vitamin D from the sun because there are so many variables involved and the risk of developing skin cancer is just too great.
After my research, I determined I do need a Vitamin D supplement to help me get a beneficial amount of Vitamin D3. So, as I mentioned at the beginning of this article, I went on a search for the best Vitamin D supplement. My doctor put me on a good Vitamin D supplement, but because of my whole food leanings I researched and found the best one.
I wanted a Vitamin D supplement that is a whole food supplement. I chose Vital Choice Vitamin D3 in Wild Salmon Oil because the Vitamin D3 is suspended in sockeye salmon oil and encased in a fish-gelatin capsule.
Some Vitamin D supplements come as hard pills. Vitamin D3 absorbs better when combined with fat (as you can imagine when you look at the list above of the foods that contain Vitamin D naturally). Hard pills don't have any fats with them, so that kind of Vitamin D supplement likely won't absorb as well.
Most Vitamin D supplements that contain fats suspend their Vitamin D3 in a vegetable or soy oil, which are Omega 6 fats. Omega 6 fats are pro-inflammatory and prevent your body's use of beneficial Omega 3 fats. Also, many fat-based Vitamin D supplements come in a wheat-based capsule, which is a problem for anyone who needs to avoid gluten.
Vital Choice's Vitamin D supplements have Vitamin D3 suspended in wild sockeye salmon oil and encased in a fish gelatin capsule. The wild sockeye salmon oil is the richest known food source of Vitamin D (so there is even some whole food Vitamin D in the "filler" and also in the capsule), it is an Omega 3 fat and contains the highest ratios of EPA and DHA (the Omega 3 fats you care about) of any salmon oil. And this salmon oil is far superior to many other salmon oils.
Bottom line: the best Vitamin D supplement I have found is Vital Choice's Vitamin D3 in Wild Sockeye Salmon oil. Check it out - you'll be glad you did.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5455580
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