Sunday, July 24, 2011

Vitamin D is one of the fat soluble vitamins and is vital to enable the body in the assimilation of calcium. Calcium is needed to strengthen bones and teeth. Being fat soluble, vitamin D get stored unless required by body.

Our bodies do not have any natural mechanism to produce vitamin D, so it is vital to have it in the required quantities. If not in sufficient amounts, a vitamin D supplement intake might become necessary.

Vitamin D is a natural element in some food items and is added to some. Cod liver oil, mackerel, egg yolks, milk, cereal and other food items have vitamin D. Sun rays are also a good source for vitamin D. Well, we don't get it naturally. The ultraviolet rays from the sun stimulate a process in the human body which produces vitamin D.

Of course, too much exposure to sun rays is also harmful. 10 minutes of sun a day is more than sufficient intake of UV rays. It is a perfect example of how things can be beneficial if in proper limits, else dangerous beyond a certain limit.

Vitamin D supplement becomes essential if vitamin D is deficient in our bodies. Children with vitamin D deficiency suffer rickets, which is a result of bones becoming soft and can even cause change in the structure and shape of bones. Women who have this deficiency suffer from bones that can break very easily.

Infants who are only breastfed do not get enough vitamin D. So a vitamin D supplement is advisable for them. Sometimes doctors recommend mothers to administer a vitamin D supplement to their two month old baby if they are not being fed vitamin D rich food or formula.

A 1980 law makes vitamin D addition to baby formula mandatory. The act is aptly called 'the Infant Formula act of 1980'. Its main aim is to make sure that babies are fed the appropriate vitamins and the means used for this are healthy and hygienic.

A vitamin D supplement won't be necessary if you are on a multivitamin diet. Too much of vitamin D can pose a serious threat. Nausea, vomiting and irregularities in heartbeat are common effects of excess vitamin D.

Always have a doctor suggest the appropriate dosage for the vitamin D supplement you are about to begin.

Our skin becomes less capable of absorbing UV rays as we age, so we should increase vitamin D intake as we grow older. A blood test will inform your doctor about the current vitamin D levels and the doctor can suggest you the appropriate method of vitamin D intake based on the results.

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Vitamin C Supplements Benefits - Why You Need Vitamin C

Vitamin C supplements benefits are many as ascorbic acid prevents several debilitating conditions and increases the body's immunity. It is very popular as a cell protector, immune system enhancer and powerful antioxidant agent.

Collagen, tendons and ligaments depend upon Vitamin C to stay strong and healthy. Vitamin C supplements benefits also include recycling other antioxidants and generally, it is better to consume Vitamin C supplements along with other antioxidants like carotenodis, vitamin E and flavonoids.

Vitamin C supplements benefits include rejuvenation and antidote for illnesses such as cold and flu. It reduces the intensity and duration of many health ailments. Wounds are reported to heal much faster since ascorbic acid has inflammation inhibitory action.

Gums are protected by a regular consumption of the ascorbic acid. For this purpose, it is generally taken with flavonoids. The body's protecting system against cardiac ailments is improved if the cholesterol and lipid levels are under control. Vitamin C supplements benefits include keeping these levels under control.

On the other hand, signs of Vitamin C supplements deficiencies include susceptibility to infection particularly bronchial infections and cold, joint ache and altered digestion. Other signs of ascorbic acid deficiencies of are lethargy (lack of energy), susceptibility to bruise easily, weak teeth and poor digestion.

Most popular vitamin C deficiency is the disease called scurvy. This disease is not so common in Western countries; however, it features soft spongy bleeding gums, severe debility, edema, poor wound healing, and bleedings under the skin.

Vitamin C supplements benefits can be achieved if they are consumed on a daily basis for certain period. They are not a onetime dose since the body requires ascorbic acid for maintaining various body systems and their functions. Moreover, since this Vitamin is water soluble, the body loses this through urine. That is why, daily supplements of this Vitamin either through ready made supplements or through foods is advised.

Vitamin C supplements benefits include antioxidant properties, as said before. However, there are many researches that indicate that ascorbic acid prevents certain types of cancer as it protects healthy cells from free-radical damage.

It specifically helps reducing the risks of cancers of the stomach and esophagus. This possible Vitamin C supplement benefits action is due to blockage the conversion of nitrates and nitrites into cancer-causing components.

The vitamin is a very useful in various eye problems such as cataracts. It protects the eyes against cigarette smoke and UV rays that are two of the main causes that give raise to cataracts. Vitamin C supplements benefits enhance when they are taken along with pantothenic acid as for migraines, it is very good.

When used in combination with other antioxidants like vitamin E and flavonoids, ascorbic acid serves as anti-wrinkle agent.

Whatever the Vitamin supplements are taken, it is always better to consult the health care provider for their doses and timings. Over or under doses of vitamins may be harmful to the body. And, rather than benefiting, it may end up with some health ailments.

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Friday, July 22, 2011

Vitamin C Supplements - Take Vitamin C in Proper Quantity

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid is an amazing antioxidant offering innumerable health benefits when consumed as vitamin C supplements. The supplements are very useful in keeping the adrenal gland functioning healthy and also for gums and tissue repair and the body's general growth.

Vitamin C supplements defend the body against the damaging effects of harmful environmental effects, pollution as well as aid the body in the manufacturing of anti-stress hormones and interferon. The body requires vitamin C supplements for the metabolism of tyrosine, phenylalanine and folic acid.

Vitamin C supplements are believed to control the high blood pressure. Yet other benefits discovered related taking vitamin C supplements are its efficacy to reduce the cholesterol and lipid levels. It also thus prevents hazardous conditions such as atherosclerosis.

More of the benefits of vitamin C supplements include protecting the body from various infections, cancerous growth, and enhancing the immune system. Vitamin C supplements help the body's capability to absorb the iron.

It is also very important in the formation of collagen and it helps in protecting against bruising and blood clotting. Ascorbic acid is supposed to help in healing the wounds and also some problems like stomatitis. .

Evidences show that there are benefits from taking vitamin E and vitamin C supplements altogether since they are reported to work synergistically. They reinforce and augment each other's antioxidant properties. In other words these vitamin supplements work together that make them to possess greater effects as compared to their separate usage. Vitamin C supplements help getting rid of oxidants in the form of free radicals and hence save the body tissues and cells.

If you do not take vitamin C supplements in proper quantity, you may lack of vitamin C i.e. ascorbic acid and then there would be signs of deficiencies of this vitamin such as very likely to have infections particularly poor digestion and colds, joint pains and bronchial infections.

Other signs of deficiencies of vitamin C are exhausting without any work, dullness, debility, lack of energy, tendency to bruise easily, delayed wound healing and lack of concentration.

It is not a secret anymore that vitamin C deficiency can result in the disease called scurvy. The condition is not so commonly seen in Western countries. It features soft spongy bleeding gums, severe debility; edema, delayed wound healing, and hemorrhages typically beneath the skin.

Apart from Vitamin C supplements, it can also be obtained from taking particular diet. However, it is important to know that the body cannot manufacture this vitamin and most of the ascorbic acid consumed in one's diet is excreted in urine since it is a water soluble vitamin. In this way, daily vitamin C supplements are required to keep the body healthy.

The dosage of the supplements differs from manufacture to manufacture and from patient to patient. For instance, pregnant lady should not take doses more than 5,000 milligrams of vitamin C supplements a day since their fetus i.e. infant may get affected with such excess or megadose that ultimately may cause harm.

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Discounted Vitamin B12 Supplements - Am I Deficient in Vitamin B12?

Getting enough vitamins every day is hard and that's why discounted vitamin b12 supplements are so popular. There is a long list of vitamins you need every day to stay healthy. It is often very difficult to eat enough everyday to get those vitamins through diet alone. Supplements can bridge the gap.

Supplements help you to make sure you are getting all of the vitamins you need everyday without making you have to down large amounts of food to reach those daily dosages. You can find supplements for pretty much every vitamin you need.

Vitamin B12 is one vitamin that you may be lacking. It is found in protein, so if you are not getting enough protein in your daily diet you could be at risk for a Vitamin B12 deficiency. You may be a vegetarian, cutting out red meat for health reasons, or simply too busy to eat right.

Vitamin B12 helps maintain healthy nerve cells and red blood cells. It also helps in making DNA. It is mostly found in meat and fish. Some fortified cereals contain protein as well. It is released from the protein cells during digestion.

The recommended daily dosage for children ages 1 to 13 is about .9 to 1.8 micrograms and for ages 14 to adult it is 2.4 micrograms. One concern is with vegetarians and vegans who tend to eat a low protein diet. These groups of people may be at risk for a deficiency. Other people who may be at risk for a Vitamin B12 deficiency include people with stomach disorders or digestion problems.

Eventually, sustained deficiency of Vitamin B12 will lead to severe problems and health issues. It will cause anemia, dementia and reduced cognitive function. As you can see being deficient in Vitamin B12 is something to be avoided.

In order to ensure that you are getting enough Vitamin B12, you need to take a look at your diet. Find out how much protein is recommended for you based on your age and gender. Check what you eat on average and make sure you are getting the recommended amount of protein in your diet.

Most protein comes from meat products. If you do not eat meat at all, including fish, then you likely lack enough protein in your diet. Protein can also come from dairy foods like eggs and cheese and some legumes. However, if you do not eat these foods nor do you eat meat than it is likely that you are deficient.

If you are not getting enough protein then you are not getting enough Vitamin B12 and may want to consider a supplement. You should be able to find Vitamin B12 anywhere that sells vitamins and other dietary supplements.

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Benefits of Taking Vitamin C Supplements

Vitamin C is an amazing antioxidant with numerous benefits associated with taking this supplement. It is required for adrenal gland function healthy gums and tissue repair and growth.

It defends our bodies against the damaging effects of pollution as well as aids our bodies in the production of anti-stress hormones and interferon. Our body needs this vitamin for the metabolism of folic acid, phenylalanine and tyrosine.

This important vitamin is believed to reduce high blood pressure. Yet other benefits believed related from taking vitamin C is it may reduce cholesterol levels and prevent atherosclerosis.

More of the benefits of vitamin C include protecting our bodies against infection, cancer, and enhancing our immunity. It increases the body's ability to absorb iron. It is Essential in the formation of collagen and protects against bruising and blood clotting. This vitamin also promotes the healing of bruising and wounds.

Evidence is showing there are benefits from taking vitamin E and vitamin C in combination. They work synergistically. They reinforce and extend each other's antioxidant action. In other words these vitamins work together causing them to have a greater effect than if they work separately. Vitamin C attracts free radicals in biologic fluids while vitamin E scavenges for dangerous free radicals in cell membranes.

Signs of deficiencies of this vitamin include susceptibility to infection especially bronchial infections and colds, joint pains and poor digestion. Other signs of deficiencies of vitamin C include lack of energy, tendency to bruise easily, tooth loss and poor digestion.

A vitamin C deficiency can result in the disease scurvy. This disease is not common in Western countries. Soft spongy bleeding gums, extreme weakness, edema, poor wound healing, and hemorrhages under the skin are all characteristics of scurvy.

Vitamin C must be obtained through one's diet or in the form of supplements. The body cannot manufacture this vitamin. Most of the vitamin consumed in one's diet is lost in the urine.

Individuals who require large amounts because of serious illness like cancer may benefit from taking vitamin C supplement intravenously rather than an oral form. This requires the advice and supervision of their physician.

Serious depletion of vitamin C can be caused by smoking. Other ways levels of the vitamin may be reduced is by consuming alcohol, antidepressants anticoagulants, oral contraceptives, analgesics or steroids.

Those afflicted with chronic illnesses like AIDS or cancer Ester C has been found to be extremely effective and these individuals have benefited from taking the supplements. This is an esterified vitamin C supplement. This is created by having the vitamin react with a necessary mineral like magnesium, calcium, potassium zinc, or sodium.

This causes the vitamin to become nonacidic but contains the vitamin's metabolites identical to those produced by the body. It enters the body's tissues and bloodstream four times faster than the standard form of the vitamin. It also stays in the body tissues longer and moves into the blood cells more efficiently. Only one third as much is lost through the urine when vitamin C is supplemented in this esterified form.

Individuals who take aspirin regularly will benefit using an esterified vitamin C supplement. Taking the standard form of the vitamin can result in stomach irritation that may lead to ulcers. For the greatest benefit from vitamin C supplements doses should be divided. Taking the supplements twice a day is more beneficial than taking it just once a day.

Pregnant women should not take doses greater than 5,000 milligrams of vitamin C supplement daily because when the infants are deprived of the megadoses they have become used to, the infants can develop scurvy after birth.

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Thursday, July 21, 2011

2 Tips For Anyone Who Needs Whole Vitamin and Mineral Supplement Fast

As our lives becomes very busy and hectic, the need for good vitamin and mineral supplement fast is ever increasing, you should be totally be aware of the product before consuming it.

These nutritions have many beneficial effects on your health. However, some may not be necessary for your particular health condition or may even have some weird side effects on your body. That is why you need to check these health stuffs properly before consumption. Or wise it might be harmful to your body.

Having the right amount of vitamins and minerals are important for the health of our bodies. These are found in the food that we eat every day. Our bodies need it regularly if we are to keep it healthy. Even though most of the people that get the required amounts in their everyday diets, there are times when the food mineral supplement strength become necessary.

What about vitamin elements?

The elements can be provided for the body by going through a healthy alimentation program. While vitamins that are good for digestion, and in mental processes, for resistance against illnesses, minerals are the main components in teeth and bones.

They also regulate the balance of fluids in the body and control the movement of nerve impulses.

Obviously, a mineral nutritional food that provides the minerals that are needed by the body. They can be used by family of all ages, but are sometimes recommended for children in order to strengthen their bones during the growth process, which are often recommended for their teeth. In addition, the elderly want these supplements too.

Also, there are good weight control mineral health food in the supermarket. Such minerals can be found in products that may not be eaten when dieting. For example calcium, which is the most important mineral, is obtained from diary products such as milk and cheese, magnesium from nuts, peanuts, chocolate, and potassium from potatoes. These are only few examples mentioned in this article, in fact there are more vitamins that are dealing with weight control or weight-loss.

What is the best way?

The best way for our bodies to get the amount of minerals needed to function properly is through a balanced diet but when that is not possible, we may need to consider using a whole mineral supplement.

In considering the administration of a mineral supplement, care should well be taken. Calcium supplements should not be taken together with iron supplements because the assimilation of the latter will be blocked. In addition, the excess use of calcium should be avoided as it has some unpleasant effects. This may cause toxicity in the bodies.

In actual fact, vitamins and minerals are important and they can't be separated from each other. A lot of supplements are created in such a way as to contain both minerals and vitamins. This way the body is provided with the most important elements and won't need a supplement.

As its name implies, these are single-type supplements and for optimum health they should be combined, if possible, with real food that contains vitamins and minerals.

Your intake of any whole food mineral supplement should be consistently monitored to avoid excess ingestion which could cause unpleasant side effects.

Besides knowing the different types of mineral food supplements, alongside with this little information may be enough for you to choose your supplements more carefully and to consume in smaller moderate amount. Before you are going to consume any type of vitamin health food, you need to first consult your physician.

Occasionally, there are many people who tend to forget the quality of popping these pills, without realizing the harmful effects of over-consumption of these supplements, level while various kinds of supplements can treat chronic diseases.

Therefore, without a proper understanding of using mineral supplements to treat many persistent diseases, there will not be much disease free lifestyle to craving for.

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Liquid Vitamin Nutritional Supplements

Liquid vitamin nutritional supplements, in some cases, they may be better than supplements that come as pills or capsules, but they are certainly not intended for every one. Read on to find out if you should consider taking them.
1. What is the content of liquid vitamin and nutritional supplements?

Liquid vitamin nutritional supplements can be formulated as sole-vitamins or as multi-vitamins.

Sole-vitamins are sold as single vitamin supplements, such as vitamin C supplements. They are primarily intended for meeting particular vitamin deficiencies.

Multi-vitamins, on the other hand, are formulated to meet 100% of the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA). There are thirteen human vitamins that are divided into two groups: four fat-soluble vitamins (A, E, D, and K), and nine water-soluble vitamins (eight B vitamins and vitamin C).

2. What is the benefit of liquid vitamin and nutritional supplements over the other forms?

Liquid vitamin nutritional supplements are typically intended for infants, babies, or toddlers who have difficulty swallowing pills and capsules, or chewing on chewable tablets. Liquid vitamin nutritional supplements for babies and kids are usually formulated with fruity flavors (strawberry, grape, and orange, being some of the popular flavors) so that they are more palatable, making it easier for parents and pediatricians to administer them.

Liquid vitamin nutritional supplements are also known to be more quickly absorbed by the body compared to pills, tablets, or capsules, because they do not have to be broken down by the stomach and intestines.

Absorption of liquid vitamin nutritional supplements starts as soon as they are swallowed. However, this does not mean that they are more effective, since faster absorption is not so much an issue with vitamins. What can be said of liquid vitamin nutritional supplements is that they do not contain the fillers, binders, and preservatives associated with pills and capsules. Still, they are likely to contain added flavors and colorants.
3. Some reminders

Be aware that just like regular supplements (capsules or pills), liquid vitamin nutritional supplements are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration Board (FDA). You should exercise caution in choosing high-quality bands.

One way to evaluate the integrity of nutritional supplements and the accuracy of their label in terms of contents, dosage, and value, is to check if the manufacturer of the particular supplements follows stringent GMP rules and standards. This also lessens or eliminates the chances of the product containing contaminants and ingredients known to be harmful.

The product we personally use called Total Balance - is the most natural and effective supplement we have come across. We have been using this product for over 3 years with excellent health results.

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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

All About Vitamin Nutritional Supplements

What are Vitamin Nutritional Supplements?

Vitamins are crucial nutrients and substances of an organic nature that are vital for our health. Vitamins serve as components of enzymes and coenzymes. Enzymes are essential for speeding up our chemical reactions that take happen within our body.

Such reactions are responsible for our metabolic processes, so because of this, consuming vitamin nutritional supplements is vitally important. If one has a vitamin deficiency, then consuming such a supplement becomes even more imperative.

So how can vitamin nutritional supplements benefit you?

Vitamins and minerals control and help with our metabolic processes, because of this, they are very important when it comes to helping us produce energy.

They also help with the reproduction and health of our internal cells. If someone has a deficiency in a certain vitamin or mineral, this can actually lead to some serious health problems. This is because the nutrients often work synergistically - together with other vitamins, minerals, enzymes and coenzymes. To summarize, vitamins and minerals are vitally important for your health.

To illustrate the above, vitamin C is required for an enzyme known as proline hydroxylase to produce collagen. When there is a lack of vitamin C, collagen synthesis becomes affected dramatically. Collagen synthesis is crucial in helping with wounds and it also helps keep our skin healthy, elastic, resilient, and youthful.

The best multivitamin what we use is a product known as Total Balance because the supplement works in a way which is not only beneficial to your health, but can actually prevent further health problems by helping aid in building a stronger more effective immune system. This vitamin nutritional supplement has a vast array of vitamins, minerals, herbs, amino acids, and important speciality nutrients that all work together to give the best possible health benefits.

It is known that it is true that someone could get all of the vitamins and minerals they need from food alone, it is now a difficult task due to the rapid decline in todays farming methods, which have seriously eroded the nutrient content of fruits and vegetables over the last several decades. Unfortunately, it is now at the point where it has reached such a level that unless one is obtaning a "perfect" diet, it is vital in our oppionion to consume quality vitamin nutritional supplements.

To be honest, many comprehensive studies done by the U.S. and the UK government have concluded that nutrient deficiencies exist in well more than half of the people in these countires.

Precautions and Tips on Choosing Vitamin Nutritional Supplements

It is vitally important that consumers of health supplements are very careful in choosing a top quality supplement manufacturer. The reasons for this are as follows:

1. There is a vast difference in quality and therapeutic effects between supplement companies. Many companies use much cheaper synthetic vitamins, while some manufacturers much more expensive natural ingredients. Even among the natural ingredients within supplements, wide variations in potency still sadly exist.
2. Because vitamins and minerals work synergistically together, it is very important that your supplement is produced by scientists with top notch credentials. Many supplements on the health market today are simply "thrown together" and because of this, many ingredients end up canceling each other out. This is no good to ones health and can eventually lead to more stress on ones internal systems, which cold actually impair your health.

On top of this, vitamin nutritional supplements that are not formulated by a top notch scientist generally have a much poorer bioavailability, which leaves many ingredients not being used, and therefore, many nutrients will simply pass through ones system through the urine.

3. . Ensure their products are produced at pharmaceutical standard GMP registered facilities. Such places comply with the most exacting regulatory standards. Most supplement companies are self-policing, which means they have little incentive to produce their products true to label. This is a known problem in the industry and consumers should be made aware of this problem before they buy health supplements.
4. Make a Call or even email the company and ask if they have a certificate of analysis on file, this will confirm the potency of the supplements you are purchasing. Avoid so called health companies that do not respond or waver with lame responses. You want direct responses with proof.

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Finding the Best Vitamin D Supplement

I went on a search recently to find the best Vitamin D supplement, and I found it. This is great news, because almost all of us need to take a Vitamin D supplement.

I starting learning about the advantages of Vitamin D just over a year ago, after my new doctor recommended I take a Vitamin D supplement. That research turned up so many benefits of Vitamin D, with new ones being discovered all the time.

A short list of benefits of Vitamin D include: helps with bone formation and calcium absorption, helps fight disease, helps keep inflammation in check, and reduces the risk of developing all sorts of diseases, including depression, autoimmune diseases, cancer, high blood pressure, and heart disease. So it's really good stuff for everyone, and it's critical to me for managing the inflammation, depression, and many other aspects of my Rheumatoid Arthritis (an autoimmune disease of the joints).

While doing my research, I also discovered that the majority of people in the United States and most other places in the world have a Vitamin D deficiency. When my doctor tested my Vitamin D3 levels before recommending a Vitamin D supplement, I was Vitamin D deficient.

I also researched whether I could get enough Vitamin D without supplementing - I personally would rather take fewer supplements than more. I prefer to get nutrients from whole foods rather than supplements or enriched foods.

The only sources of Vitamin D3 other than Vitamin D supplements are food and sunlight. There are very few foods that provide Vitamin D (egg yolks, liver, and wild-caught oily fish), and they don't provide the amounts we need, if we eat them at all (many people don't ever eat these foods).

So can we get enough Vitamin D from sunlight? I personally believe this is the way our bodies were built to get Vitamin D. Our bodies make Vitamin D3 from sunlight. However, most of us don't get enough sunlight to get the amount of Vitamin D we need (dependent on many factors here: how far away from the equator you live, what season it is where you live, how dark your skin tone is, and whether you go out in the sun at all or wear sunscreen, to name a few). Nearly every dermatologist and most doctors recommend you not even attempt to get your Vitamin D from the sun because there are so many variables involved and the risk of developing skin cancer is just too great.

After my research, I determined I do need a Vitamin D supplement to help me get a beneficial amount of Vitamin D3. So, as I mentioned at the beginning of this article, I went on a search for the best Vitamin D supplement. My doctor put me on a good Vitamin D supplement, but because of my whole food leanings I researched and found the best one.

I wanted a Vitamin D supplement that is a whole food supplement. I chose Vital Choice Vitamin D3 in Wild Salmon Oil because the Vitamin D3 is suspended in sockeye salmon oil and encased in a fish-gelatin capsule.

Some Vitamin D supplements come as hard pills. Vitamin D3 absorbs better when combined with fat (as you can imagine when you look at the list above of the foods that contain Vitamin D naturally). Hard pills don't have any fats with them, so that kind of Vitamin D supplement likely won't absorb as well.

Most Vitamin D supplements that contain fats suspend their Vitamin D3 in a vegetable or soy oil, which are Omega 6 fats. Omega 6 fats are pro-inflammatory and prevent your body's use of beneficial Omega 3 fats. Also, many fat-based Vitamin D supplements come in a wheat-based capsule, which is a problem for anyone who needs to avoid gluten.

Vital Choice's Vitamin D supplements have Vitamin D3 suspended in wild sockeye salmon oil and encased in a fish gelatin capsule. The wild sockeye salmon oil is the richest known food source of Vitamin D (so there is even some whole food Vitamin D in the "filler" and also in the capsule), it is an Omega 3 fat and contains the highest ratios of EPA and DHA (the Omega 3 fats you care about) of any salmon oil. And this salmon oil is far superior to many other salmon oils.

Bottom line: the best Vitamin D supplement I have found is Vital Choice's Vitamin D3 in Wild Sockeye Salmon oil. Check it out - you'll be glad you did.

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Liquid Vitamin Mineral Supplement

With over 40% of Americans taking a multi-vitamin or vitamin supplement and nearly 90% of those vitamin supplements nutrients being inadequately absorbed by the body, making them useless, this is a topic that is important. How do you take a vitamin supplement and have your body absorb the nutrients to gain the supplements advantage? The answer is a liquid vitamin mineral supplement.

Before we talk about the two supplements, it is important to understand why Americans take multi-vitamins. Our lives are so hectic and fast-paced that we have a hard time consuming the vitamins and minerals in our meals that we need. The fix for this problem is to take multi-vitamin supplements to give us the vitamins and minerals that we are not getting from our food.

Why are liquid supplements better than chewable supplements? The answer comes down to how they are digested by the body. Liquid supplements have a better effect on the human body because they are liquid and are easily digested and absorbed by the digestive tract. Chewable supplements or pills go through the body in hard form and are mostly undigested and unused, so you receive very small to no nutrients from them.

Chewable supplements are rarely broken down because of their dense nature of vitamins and minerals, and the digestive tract does not break them down. So the chewable supplements pass right through the body, and instead of being absorbed like one wants, they go undigested and unused, making them useless.

With liquid supplements the body barely has to work to break down the vitamins and nutrients. This helps the body to absorb nutrients faster and send them to different parts of the body through the blood stream. This helps the organs that need the vitamins to get them and use them quickly, helping your body avoid vitamin deficiencies.

Many Americans take multi-vitamins and liquid supplements are becoming increasingly more popular for the exact reasons stated above. Liquid supplements do not only work, unlike most chewable supplements, but they work quickly and efficiently. Vitamins are turning more and more to liquid supplements and its time you also take a closer look.

In our lifestyles today we are constantly on the go and have trouble getting adequate amounts of minerals and vitamins from our meals. The best solution to avoid vitamin deficiency is to take multi-vitamins. These can be effective if taken in the right form. To ensure you are getting the most out of your supplement, take a liquid vitamin mineral supplement.

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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Vitamin E Supplements - What Are the Benefits of Tocopherols?

Vitamin E is also known as tocopherols. It is just a scientific name that has been given. Many of the vitamins have these special names.

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that can benefit your body in many ways. Some of the best food sources are avocado, egg, milk, nuts, seeds, green leafy vegetables and wholegrain foods.

Deficiency Symptoms

It has been found that people over 55 are at the highest risk of being deficient in this vitamin. Some of the most common deficiency symptoms are:

• Muscle weakness
• Coordination problems
• Impaired balance
• Age spots
• Decrease in sexual drive
• Brain function abnormalities

Health Benefits of Vitamin E

So, what are the health benefits? Vitamin E is a very potent antioxidant that your body needs to protect against oxidation of fatty acids and cholesterol.

It has also been shown to protect your body's membranes from oxidative damage and vein degeneration.
This might not sound like benefits you need, but they are very important for your body to stay healthy.

A few other areas where vitamin E supplements have been proven beneficial are in:

• Tissue repair
• Skin health
• Immune function
• Epilepsy
• Osteoarthritis
• Rheumatoid arthritis
• Impotence
• Angina
• Athletic performance
• Wound healing
• Heart attacks
• Cancer

As you can see, the list just keeps going on and on. Vitamin E supplements are extremely beneficial for your health.

Keep in mind, these benefits are just from vitamin E supplements. Imagine the health benefits that can come from using a multivitamin supplement that contains all of the different vitamins, minerals, enzymes and antioxidants.

I personally use a supplement just like this I can say from personal experience that the health benefits are true and safe. I have been recommended these supplements to my friends and family, who have also reported improvements in their health.

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Vitamin C Supplements - Discover the Wonderful Effects of Vitamin C!

Oh, vitamin C. It is one of the most popular vitamins on planet earth today. When I think of vitamin C, I think about bright, vibrant, orange oranges.

Many people can improve their health with vitamin C supplements. There is no doubt about that. But there are a few things you can do to get even more effects from the supplements that you take.

Vitamin C supplements come in many different forms and bottles, which is why you might want to do your own research and educate yourself on the subject matter.

I personally do not take lone vitamin C supplements, the reason is because I prefer multi-vitamin products that not only contain vitamins, but also antioxidants, enzymes, minerals, trace elements, enzymes, anti-aging nutrients and other beneficial ingredients.

With all that said though, even if you only use vitamin C supplements alone without any other nutrients, you will see some very nice health benefits. Here are a few examples that vitamin C supplements and multivitamin products with vitamin C can give you:

o May reduce cholesterol
o Better tissue repair and healing
o Boosts your immune system
o Powerful antioxidant (slows down aging)
o Reduces risk of flu, colds and viruses
o Promotes healthy gums
o May lower stress
o Improves your cardiovascular system

These benefits are amazing, aren't they? Maybe you can start seeing the reason why I take a multivitamin supplement. These benefits come from just taking a vitamin C supplement.

Imagine taking a supplement that contains all of the different vitamins alongside with minerals, antioxidants, trace elements and a host of other beneficial nutrients that can significantly boost your health and well-being for the better.

Just remember to look for the best natural health supplement out there. I am sure you're familiar with the fact that there are many low-quality products available and many companies trying to capitalize on people who want to improve their health.

Luckily, they are easily avoided by knowing what to look for. It took me a few years to find the best supplement for me. By doing your own research and educating yourself, you should find it within just a few hours, because you can use the internet to your advantage.

If you're interested in learning more about the best multivitamin supplements with high quality vitamin C, visit my website, where I share what products I have personally been using daily for several years.

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Vitamin Dietary Supplements - Understanding the Basics

Vitamin dietary supplements form one of the largest categories of global supplement sales that are reportedly set to reach $180 billion by the end of 2009.

Whilst this trend is set to increase, we really need to know the "what", "why" and "how" of supplements before we spend more of our hard-earned cash.

What Are Vitamin Dietary Supplements?

Well, it's all in the name really! Vitamin dietary supplements are tablets, capsules, powders or liquids that provide (i.e., supplement) vitamins that may be lacking - or missing entirely - from your diet.

Vitamins are chemical compounds that occur in food and have been shown to be essential for life. Many of them can be produced in limited amounts in your body, but your main source of supply is the food that you eat.

Only small amounts are required to be effective, but even these small amounts are essential for maintaining your general health, preventing many diseases and, probably their most important function, releasing energy from the food that you eat.

Why take vitamin dietary supplements?

Despite ongoing campaigns by various governments, our diets don't seem to be improving much. Our reliance on fast foods, junk foods and processed foods is increasing all the time.

Unfortunately, all these foods have reduced vitamin levels. Even fresh fruit and vegetables have less vitamin content that they used to due to modern farming techniques, so the answer for many people is to supplement their diet.

In addition to poor diet, supplements can prove beneficial for:

  • women of childbearing age
  • young children
  • adolescents
  • the elderly
  • vegetarians
  • those on a slimming programme
  • people on strict exercise programmes
  • people who smoke or drink excessively

In general, people only take vitamin dietary supplements for two reasons:

  1. To ensure they are getting optimal nutrition for a healthy life
  2. To address specific vitamin deficient health problems they may have

How to choose vitamin dietary supplements?

To overcome the confusion that can be caused by too much choice, you need to do some homework!

I know it's easy to just grab a cheap pack of multi-vitamins whilst you're in the supermarket, but how do you KNOW that they're right for you & that you're not wasting your money?

The starting point is with yourself. Take a close look - are you:

  • tired & run down
  • forgetful
  • suffering from poor hair, skin, nails and teeth
  • getting frequent colds
  • depressed or anxious
  • slow to heal

These are just a few of the symptoms that could be due to vitamin deficiencies (if you'd like to find out more about the signs of vitamin and mineral deficiency, I suggest you get my report listed in the resource box).

Once you've noted all the symptoms and which vitamins these relate to, you'll have a list of what you need in the way of vitamin dietary supplements. (I strongly recommend you see a health professional at this stage to help guide you in your choices).

Now, here comes the tricky bit. You must learn to read and understand labels. Two packs of vitamin dietary supplements may look the same - apart from their price, but how do you know for sure?

You will also need to know the different units of measure and what the different terms (such as "buffered", "low acid", timed release" and "natural") used on the label mean.

Plus, you need to know what RDA is and how it relates to you.

Once you have learned these (fairly) simple steps you'll be well on the way to becoming an expert at choosing the right vitamin dietary supplements for your health.

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Monday, July 18, 2011

3 Little Known Tips For Avoiding Vitamin C Supplements That Waste Your Money

One of the biggest scams supplement consumers fall for is high potency vitamin C supplements. There are lots of nutrients being marketed as "high potency" these days, but with vitamin C, it's particularly bad.

Why is this?

It's because vitamin C is so popular. Everyone, even kids, knows that vitamin C helps your body stay healthy. You don't have to be sold on the effectiveness idea of vitamin C, unlike, say, grape seed extract. You're already receptive, so companies can turn huge profits by producing cheaply formulated products and using a little deceptive marketing to sell them.

In this article, we'll break down high potency vitamin C supplements and give you a better alternative. You'll never waste another dime on the wrong products.

(1) No Synergy

Vitamin C is often sold as a single-ingredient supplement. The label will make a claim like "3000 % Recommended Daily Allowance" or something. But this sort of product has no synergy. Synergy is when a nutrient in a supplement formula becomes more effective by combining with other nutrients. This is very important; it's why you should only buy supplements that are scientifically formulated by a biochemist.

Synergy with other vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, and herbal extracts makes vitamin C more effective and more absorbable by your body. A daily mega-dose can't do that.

(2) Cheap Ingredient

Did you know that vitamin C is one of the cheapest ingredients for supplement companies to use? Does that change things for you, knowing that? Companies produce high potent vitamin C supplements, not because they're more effective, but because there's little cost in manufacturing them. Cheap supplements are cheap for a reason.

Vitamin C supplements are the domain of bottom feeders in the dietary supplements industry---companies with zero formulating expertise, little respect for the consumer, but a whole lot of experience in tricking people out their money.

(3) Lack of Other Nutrients

What about other nutrients? By taking high potent vitamin C supplements, you're ignoring everything else, even nutrients that are 50 times more powerful than vitamin C. Are you going to take each nutrient as an individual supplement? Have you considered the enormous cost of doing that?

Instead of mixing and matching supplements on your own (which won't work), you should look for a comprehensive supplement. One that contains 60, 70, or 80 ingredients scientifically blended, including vitamin C in its proper amount. This kind of supplement maximizes health benefits.

Now do you understand why you should leave vitamin C supplements on the shelf? These 3 tips should have made it clear to you. Whenever you think of buying a vitamin C supplement, just remember what you'll be getting:

No Synergy
Cheap Ingredient
No Other Nutrients

It may seem like I'm bashing vitamin C pretty good in this article. But it's not vitamin C that's the problem; it's how some supplement companies package it as a high potency vitamin. Any professional-grade supplement should contain vitamin C and lot of other nutrients.

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Seven Things Which Motivate People To Make Use Of Vitamin D Supplements

There are at least seven things which motivate people to make use of vitamin D supplements. Those include:

1. The desire to avoid developing rickets: as it turns out, the classic manifestation of vitamin D deficiency is the development of the condition known as rickets. Conversely, it follows that the surefire way to avoid developing the conditions is by ensuring adequate intake of vitamin D. and where one is unable to get such vitamin D naturally, there is no alternative, but to make use of vitamin D supplements.

2. The desire to strengthen bones: one often overlooked cause of bone weakening (as in osteoporosis) is lack of vitamin D. it would therefore follow that one of the keys to avoiding the condition is to ensure adequate intake of vitamin D through, among other measures, taking vitamin D supplements.

3. The desire to avoid bone pain: lack of vitamin D has also been implicated in the causation of a condition known as osteomalacia, which is characterized by bone pain. The way to avoid such agony is to ensure adequate intake of vitamin D, through among other measures, taking vitamin D supplements.

4. The desire to avoid bone loss: one of keys ways in bone loss can be mitigated, especially for hyperparathyroidism patients, is through vitamin D supplementation.

5. The desire to avoid/cure certain skin diseases: lack of vitamin D, or at least adequate levels of it in the body, has been implicated in among other conditions, actinic keratosis as well as vitiligo and psoriasis. By ensuring that you get adequate supply of this vitamin, you greatly reduce your chances of ever having to struggle with these conditions. And if your circumstances make it difficult for you to get vitamin D naturally, there is little else you can do towards ensuring adequate intake of the vitamin, other than resorting to use of vitamin D supplements.

6. The desire to boost immunity: like most other vitamins, vitamin D doe have a bearing on immunity. Simply put, ensuring adequate intake of vitamin D is one of the steps one can take to ultimately boost their immunity.

A severe deficiency of vitamin D could manifest through a compromised immunity, especially with respect to certain (specific) health conditions. Again, if it is clear that one can't get the vitamin naturally - yet it is also clear to them that they absolutely need it, if they are to maintain optimal health - it follows that they would have to make use of vitamin D supplements.

7. The desire to regulate mineral levels in the body: one of the major functions in which vitamin D is involved in the body is that of regulating calcium and phosphorous in the body.

Therefore if you don't want to end up struggling with one or a number of the (numerous) conditions caused by either too little calcium or too little phosphorous in the body, the thing for you to do would be to ensure that you get enough vitamin D - if necessary, through vitamin D supplements.

vitamins and vitamin D3 supplements go hand in hand and work together to help promote cell growth feels the author.

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Bad Breath, Foods, Vitamins and Supplements

There are certain types of foods that you consume that can be a culprit to bad breath. Food that is high in fat, meats, foods loaded with sugar, specialty spices and dairy products. Foods that contain acid produce bacteria in your mouth.

When you eat foods with a lot of fat and protein, they may not digest in your system properly. People that have difficulty digesting meat and dairy products can end up with bad breath.
Here are some suggestions regarding foods when it comes to bad breath:

o Make sure to include fruits and vegetables that are rich with antioxidants. This would include leafy greens, berries, broccoli and cabbage. These foods help to keep you healthy and to keep bad breath from occurring.

o You can also eat yogurt that is sugar-free and has a live culture. This helps to keep away bacteria that are responsible for causing halitosis.

o Foods that are loaded with sugar pose a problem because the sugar affects the back of the throat.

o In addition to onions and garlic, spices such as curry can cause people to have bad breath. As you digest them, some of the elements flow through your bloodstream and to the lungs. The odor can be emitted for about 24 hours.

o Coffee and some teas can also be culprits of bad breath. Both have plenty of acid in them. Try not to drink so much of these beverages.

Drinking black tea has elements that keep bacteria away. Other teas that can help to prevent bad breath are green tea and peppermint tea. Tea can also get rid of bad breath that is caused by mucus. You only have to drink one cup per day for the odor to gradually dissipate.

Vitamins and Supplements

o If you're not consuming enough zinc, then you could possibly have bad breath. If you are deficient, you need to take no less than 60 mg a day. Be careful about taking too much of this as zinc can interfere with copper.

o The lack of Vitamin B can also be a cause of bad breath. You may want to take some niacinimide, a B complex tablet and Vitamin B6 one time a day.

o If you consume no more than 6,000 mg of Vitamin C, you will remove the mucus and toxins that have built up in your body. The mucus and toxins that are stored up in your body can be a cause of bad breath.

Digestive System
Your digestive system can also be a cause of bad breath. You will need to improve it by watching what you eat. What you eat is crucial because it will determine whether or not it will help to eliminate bad breath. Here are some things that you can do to keep your digestive system in tact:

o Have a high-fiber diet that includes whole grains, along with fresh fruits and vegetables. These foods usually digest better than those that are not high in fiber.
o If you don't have enough enzymes to digest properly, you need to take no more than four tablets of enzymes for each major meal.
o You may not have enough hydrochloric acid. To get more in your system, you can use apple cider vinegar. Take one tablespoon before you eat a major meal. You can also use betaine or pepsin tablets before you eat in order to help your digestive system to work.
o You can also get bad breath from lack of regular bowel movements (constipation). You need to drink at least eight glasses of water (eight ounces) every day.

This article is for information purposes only and does not intend to provide advice in regards to any health condition, including bad breath. If you have or think you might have a health problem, contact your doctor or dentist immediately for advice, diagnosis and treatment. The USFDA has not evaluated statements about any products, vitamins or supplements mentioned in this article.

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Sunday, July 17, 2011

Tips To Slow Aging Naturally - Vitamins and Supplements

As we get along in our years and as we get past our prime people from all walks of life want to turn back the clock and rewind the aging process.

We are all aspiring to stop the aging process, despite the fact that it is inevitable. But is there really a way to slow aging naturally? There are so many anti aging products available on the market today, but the problem is most of them don't work.

One very important way to preserve health and slow aging naturally is with vitamins. Vitamins and supplements can help you to retain some semblance of your youth, as well as to reduce the effects of aging.

Not all vitamins and supplements are created equally. Here, we will review various supplements and their effects on your body, as well as their anti-aging properties. The following are 5 tips to slow aging naturally.

Slow Aging Naturally Tip #1 - Niacin

Niacin helps your skin to be able to retain moisture. As you age, your skin dries out and loses the ability to stay moist. Niacin also supports the immune system to help you to remain resistant against various illnesses and disease. Niacin helps to reinvigorate your skin by assisting in the removal of dead skin cells from the epidermis.

Often, dry skin can be a direct result of a lack of niacin. Niacin has the ability to increase high density lipoproteins which are good cholesterol as well as to assist in reducing the fat content contained in your blood stream (triglycerides) which can be a contributing factor to heart disease and stroke. It also works to convert foods that you eat into energy which can be used by your various cells in their specific functions.

Studies show that one out of four people do not get enough niacin in their diet. These statistics are much higher in the lower income bracket. One way that food companies have been working to combat this deficiency is by adding niacin into breakfast cereals.

Slow Aging Naturally Tip #2 - Vitamin C
As we age, free radicals can increase within our cells. While free radicals do play a significant part in the function of our cells, too many of them can have detrimental effects on our bodies. Free radicals are increased with impurities and toxins that we breathe in daily, as well as exposure to additives in foods and radioactive emissions.

Vitamin C is an antioxidant which works to destroy free radicals, and keep them within healthy levels. Vitamin C can assist in the absorption of Vitamin E, which is also an antioxidant. Although you may not realize it, the condition of your skin is often an indication of your body's health on the inside.

Your skin has a foundation, if you will, that has a certain elasticity and suppleness to it. The underlying component of this is collagen. Vitamin C can improve the resiliency of collagen as well as to assist in the creation of it.

As we age, our ability to form collagen is reduced and this can make skin appear more wrinkled and aged. Collagen helps to keep your skin supple and resist damage.

Slow Aging Naturally Tip #3 - Vitamin B2

This water-soluble vitamin is used by your body to process and metabolize fats, amino acids, and to produce the materials we require to derive energy from our bodies - ATP.

Many of us do not have a deficiency of this vitamin; however, it does play a very important role within the body. Vitamin B2 is usually included in the formulation of most anti oxidant supplements because has many anti oxidant properties.

Slow Aging Naturally Tip #4 - Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Many of us have been led to believe that fat is bad and should not be included in our diets at all. While this is partly true, it is not the entire story. We do require a certain amount of good fats that are not saturated. It is recommended that you eat fish, such as salmon, sardines, mackerel and herring at least two times per week in order to gain the benefits of this essential oil.

Slow Aging Naturally Tip #5 - Ginseng

This ancient Chinese herbal remedy has many qualities. Among them, the ability to reduce stress by limiting stress hormones, improve sharpness as well as mental function and to increase blood circulation to the brain.

Ginseng has also been used to assist people who are having difficulty in getting a good night's sleep. Apparently Korean Ginseng contains "natural" steroids which can assist in building and maintaining lean body mass.

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Discover 4 Quick Ways to Health Foods and Supplements

With more people each day finding out the benefits of health foods and supplements, it is no wonder the market has become so vast, especially between the internet and the local health store it is really one big business.

Also with such a supply of different stores, one also has the magnificent benefit of a wide variety and selection of products available which is fantastic.

• It has been proven from various studies world wide that we never get all of the nutrition our bodies require from the food we eat each day. Equally one should never rely on health food supplements for all of the required vitamins and minerals our bodies require to live in a healthy body, but they will supplement a healthy diet which in turn helps to provide our bodies with the nutrition it requires.

• One should always consult their doctor or dietician for advice with the use of vitamins and minerals to supplement ones diet, and remember always to follow the advice given by either the dietician or doctor which ever the case may be when taking vitamins and supplements.

• Exercise is also a very important factor in looking after ones body, apart from being strong and fit, exercise will also help burn the unnecessary calories put in ones body through the day, especially if you had that extra amount of food intake during the day.

• Fresh fruit and vegetables are most important in your daily diet. They help our bodies receive the many vitamins it requires, and will also help in cleansing the waste toxic materials from our bodies.

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Learn How Antioxidant Skin Care Products Are As Powerful For Health As Vitamins and Supplements By Melvin Kennedy

Every time there is an article about the health benefits of a fruit or vegetable you can be sure a reference will be made about antioxidants.

This also applies to advertising for vitamins and supplements. But have you ever considered other ways you could be using antioxidants without even realizing it? What about antioxidants skin care products you can use directly on your face?

We all know about the way antioxidants can control the harmful effects of free radicals which are highly reactive substances that move around our bodies to damage our cells.

Have you thought about protecting the cells in the largest organ of your body? This organ is, of course, your skin. So the most effective way of applying antioxidant skin care is by using a cream directly on the surface of this organ.

Now the problem about using a cream instead of eating healthily or taking supplements is learning about the best ingredients that should be present for the most effective benefit.

In a way, it's not that much of a problem because you just need to consider what is recommended as an antioxidant. Think about why Green Tea or Aloe Vera are linked with antioxidant activity.

If these are among the ingredients of an antioxidant skin care product it means you will definitely be protecting your skin. However, you should also look out for other ingredients that you might not have heard about.

First of all, there is a relatively new natural substance called Cynergy TK. This contains something called Functional Keratin which is found throughout your body and is important for the structure of your skin.

Although one of its main properties is to stimulate your body to produce collagen, it is also able to reduce the appearance of wrinkles by forming a layer on your skin. It is also able to help your body to produce more of its own antioxidants.

Something else you should look for in antioxidants skin care products is a substance called Nano-Lipobelle H EQ10. I know it's a bit of a mouthful but you will notice part of its name looks like something you may have heard of before - Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10 for short). You may also know that CoQ10 is a very popular nutritional supplement mainly due to its antioxidant benefits.

The best form of this Nano-Lipobelle is a special form called 'nano-emulsion' which penetrates deep into your lower skin layers. Even though too much sunlight may be one of the causes of skin problems such as wrinkles, this form of CoQ10 allows sunlight to be beneficial by helping your body produce vitamin D.

So, you see, to be truly effective good antioxidant skin care products should also contain this CoQ10 form.

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Friday, July 15, 2011

Good Health Begins With Vitamin D3 Supplements

In order to fend off germs and promote overall health, it is important to incorporate vitamin D3 into your diet. Furthermore, in the past, the medical community believed that 200 international units was plenty to do so. Now, studies have shown that 1000 international units is what is necessary for people to maintain good health.

Vitamin D comes from the Sun. In order to get enough of this vitamin, it is important to be outdoors and absorb the sun's rays. Unfortunately, the suns rays can be damaging to the skin and is therefore recommended that we wear sunscreen, while outdoors. This in turn, blocks out the sun. But, 10 minutes outdoors is vital in order to get natural vitamin D.

Enjoying a few minutes outside in combination with your vitamin D3 will help to promote good health and will also help your body to absorb other vitamins that are essential for proper function.

In addition to the vitamin D3, a healthy supply of vitamin C will keep you strong, thereby fending off different viruses that are are presently at the top of people's priorities, such as the H1N1 virus.

There are many vitamins and supplements that are vital for healthy living. However, one should never assume that they take the place or replace the necessity of proper diet, i.e. the food that you must eat. In order to complete the nutritional necessities, supplements come into play.

With that said, it is imperative for all, regardless of age, that we eat well and take the right vitamins to fight aging, germs and other diseases.

Are you looking for ways to avoid illness and the dangerous H1N1 virus? Anti-AgingMatters provides you with tips about overall good health, anti-aging health, diet and beauty tips that will make you stronger while looking and feeling great. Don't delay... time is the only thing you can't get back.

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Vitamins and Minerals - What is Best For You

For all of us that are truly dedicated in only eating foods, and vitamins, minerals along with all other substances that are of a purely natural basis, must be their very own anti-chemical ingredient vigilante.

All though so many supplement makers around the world have long ago caught up on the ways of keeping their vitamins and minerals fully natural, there are still a good number more out there that will more often than not claim to be in the all natural zones for their supplemental vitamin and mineral products.

But after taking a closer look of the full ingredients listings in many of these products, there just happens to be at least one unnatural ingredient that is within the makeup of a good many falsely claiming vitamins and supplements out there upon our average market shelves of today.

Just as anything else that is put into our bodies, all of the ingredients that fully makes up each and every natural claiming and non-natural claiming vitamin or mineral that are stocked upon the health food stores and pharmacies, just as the regular limited stores for normally supplying vitamins and minerals.

Just as it is true for the makeup, skin and beauty industries of past and today, we must all be fully aware of each and every ingredient that makes up those top names and other favorite products whether these products are of the physical applications or the oral application means.

When it comes to the true importance of our very own overall health, beauty of youthful means, and mental alertness, along with our top-notch physical well being for the long haul, we must be willing to be the first in taking control of what actually goes into our bodies.

For the best optimum results, a good number of studies now show that reading the fine print truly can make the difference in what will appropriately work for you and your body in the long haul.

With a little time of making yourself aware of what are known natural ingredients and what are only those words that will quickly fool you in the depths of unnatural misconceptions, there will be a full awareness growth personally, and no mistakes of making the wrong types of personal health building vitamin and mineral supplements in the end of the very wide array of today's choices.

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Vitamins and Health Supplements

The addition of vitamins and health supplements into your daily diet regimen is smart... VERY smart, especially taking into consideration the fact that most of us eat a diet consisting primarily of cooked, processed, dead food.

Burgers, fries, hot dogs, pizza, double beef burritos, etc., combined with our addiction to soda, chips, candy, alcohol, and other unhealthy non-foods are making us fat, diabetic, sick, and dead.

And for those of us who do eat the good stuff, i.e. vegetables, healthy fats & oils, whole grains, raw seeds & nuts, fruits, beans, and fish, among other natural foods, how many of us do so ALL the time, at EVERY meal? Very few.

And even then, how much of our food is organic? How much of the soil these foods are grown in is well cultivated, nutrient-rich, and chemical-free?

As you can see, there are too many variables left to consider. Most of us just want to enjoy our meals and get on with our lives. But to know how to acquire the nutrition our bodies need solely from our current food supply, we practically need a PhD's worth of research.

Would I be correct in assuming that you have other ways you'd prefer to spend your time?

While it's always a good idea to research the foods you take into your body, to an extent, adding vitamins and health supplements will take a ton of guess-work out of your overall health and nutrition.

Take a whole-food (NEVER synthetic) multivitamin and a powerful antioxidant supplement. The acai berry is the most powerful, natural antioxidant I've seen. Green tea is always a good stand-by.

When you pick these vitamins and health supplements up, please do so at your local health food store or from a whole-food online store. Stay away from the grocery or drug store. They deal primarily in synthetic vitamins and supplements, which generally cause more harm than good.

In addition, if you don't already, be sure to fully hydrate yourself every day by drinking 4 to 6 liters of purified water. Avoid the types of foods mentioned at the beginning of this article as much as possible. Substitute fresh fruit with raw almonds and yogurt for desserts. It's absolutely "yum" and will make a huge difference in the quality of your life.

Of course, for an entire makeover of your health, energy, vitality, and mental & emotional health, nothing beats vitamins and health supplements. They will take you to a whole new level!

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Marketing Ideas For Vitamins And Supplements Business

With people becoming more health-conscious, the market for vitamins and dietary supplements has increased significantly. Customers are given an exciting array of choices, with many different brands competing with each other and offering better products at fairer rates.

People use vitamins and supplements to lead healthy lives, with greater energy and vitality, improved memory and strength, and improved nutritional quality. Nearly everyone makes use of vitamins and supplements these days.

Manufacturers of vitamins and supplements face stiff competition because there are so many firms offering various combinations of products for the target customers. It is imperative that your advertisements be unique and informative, inducing customers to buy and use your vitamins and supplements.

The advertisements have to be consistent and convey the message intended to the customers to choose your brand over others. You can do this by listing the benefits of using your brand and may attract customers by offering freebies that are useful.

Some Marketing Ideas for Vitamins and Supplements
  • Infomercials on TV, which if implemented correctly, can have a great ROI. It helps people become familiar with your brand and will help them choose your brand the next time they buy vitamin or supplements.

  • Having advertisements appear in health-oriented magazines as well as other magazines. They have to be frequent, as repetition is the essential ingredient to advertising success.

  • You can have brochures of your vitamins and supplements be made available in the local gyms and beauty parlors and spas, clinics, and supermarkets, etc.

  • Forming partnerships with pharmacies is another marketing idea. Having signboards and fliers advertising your products and brand name can influence many customers.

  • Using medical representatives to entice practicing doctors to prescribe your brand of vitamins to patients.

  • Using celebrities to endorse the vitamins and supplements. This has a very high ROI, as many fans will follow through.

  • Organizing health camps and awareness camps and offering the services of doctors for free can be very effective ways of marketing your products.

  • Using trade shows to promote your brand name and products.

  • Giving out educational leaflets in schools and colleges can influence some customers to try your products.

  • Using MLM to sell your products can be successful, too.

  • Develop catch phrases that will stay in the minds of customers and bring uniqueness to your products.

  • Opting to have referral programs with affiliate services. This may be very advantageous. You may have a website to promote your products, too.

These are a few marketing ideas for vitamins and supplements. There are firms that offer services as well as products to help run a successful business.

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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Vitamins and Supplements Help in Healthy Aging

Aging is an ongoing process in our bodies which we can't escape in our daily life. It is impossible to stop the clock from moving and therefore, we have to take care of ourselves properly. Indeed, we require a dietary supplements and vitamins to replace the decreasing bodily chemicals and essences as we get age.

Our diets become different and we eat lesser as we get older, thus we need to take dietary supplements to ensure we get sufficient nutrients. Our skin, digestive system and vitamins levels start to change as we age.

We may require to take supplement in order to boost these levels up and to ensure we stays happily and healthy as we age.

Cancers and chronic diseases can be caused by not having sufficient vitamins. All of us have to know well what types of vitamins we require and how they contribute to our safe and sound lives.

There are two categories of vitamins, which are fat-soluble and water-soluble. Fat-soluble vitamins include vitamin A, D, E and K; while vitamin B, C and P are water-soluble.

It is dangerous to take too much of fat-soluble vitamins as it can be converted into poison toxic. Vitamin D and K can be produced by our bodies, while the vitamins A and E can be obtained from our diet or supplement.

These vitamins help to reduce chances of having cardiac disease and some cancers. So, it is vital to intake right quantity of vitamin A, C, and E daily.

It is very important and essential to get the correct amount of water-soluble vitamins daily because they aid our kidneys to get off the remaining waste from our body.

You are recommended to consult with your physician about what types of vitamins and supplements that most suitable for you before you start consuming them.

CHIRO-KLEENZ is a good and natural herb tea which functions to cleanse and detoxify internal body for both men and women. Please take note that this tea would lead to cramping, and regular bowel movement as it helps to cleanse the poisons from our body.

Our diets alter and we don't eat properly as we supposed to while we get age. On top of that, the foods that we take may not contain all or sufficient vitamins. Usually, fertilizer and chemicals are put by farmers to make their plants grow bigger and thus get better harvest. However, these chemicals lessen the vitamins that we obtain from our food.

Not taking the proper or sufficient food can reduce the vitamin level. Be aware that sun can help to produce Vitamin D. Nevertheless, we spend lesser time outside as we getting older. Therefore, we need to take vitamin D in order to stronger our fragile bones in our body.

Vitamin B-12 can be found in lean red meats, chicken and skim milk. We should take Vitamin B-12 and B-6 as it can prevent heart disease. In addition, vitamin B-12 can assist in red blood cells production and maintain the nervous system.

Are the vitamins too hard to swallow and this makes you not taking vitamins? Some of us may feel it become harder to swallow as we get aging. There is alternative on top of taking tablets form vitamin; we can buy liquid vitamins in order to live well.

You may consult your doctor whether there is liquid form of vitamins and he can assist you to choose what you require. There are several pills which can't be sliced or crushed as they will decrease their nutrients. Thus, you should look for liquid form of vitamins to keep you fit.

Having a balance diets and eating three times in a day is one of the essential tips to enjoy healthy aging. It is advisable to take your dietary supplements and vitamins daily as your doctor advised in order stay young and get pleasure from life.

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Vitamin And Supplement Studies - 4 Things You May Not Know About Them

Every so often, a news report comes out quoting a study that claims to show the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of a certain vitamin or supplement.

There may be times when all, or most, of the previous studies showed positive results for the nutrient being studied, and the current study contradicts all of those findings, and gets the media coverage. So what are five things you should be asking about the study?

1.Who, or what company, did the study and who funded the study? Many times, studies on vitamins and other alternative nutrients that were reported to have negative results was funded or conducted by one or several drug companies.

One can draw their own conclusions from these studies. Better yet, a few weeks after the report comes out, do an internet search - many times it will found that the study contained flaws, which may include any of the following.

2.It may have used a certain group of people who are not representative of the general population.

They may have been people with an already advanced disease where the nutrient would not work the same as it would with a healthy person, or someone with a minor problem.

3.Perhaps they used extremely low or high amounts of the nutrient in the study, or they gave it to the subjects too little or too often.

For example, vitamin C, to be most effective, should be taken 2-3 times per day - in the morning, afternoon, and evening, as most forms only stay in the system for 4-6 hours.

4.Did they use natural or synthetic ingredients? In several studies which showed negative results for vitamin E, Vitamin A, and Beta Carotene, synthetic forms were used. The media made no mention of this. However, if the study was checked, it would have been seen that the synthetic forms had been used.

In most, if not all, cases synthetic forms are no good, and may cause problems (usually the synthetic forms have a "dl" in front of the main ingredient, and the natural form has a "d." So d-alpha vitamin E is natural, dl-alpha is synthetic. These same designations are used for amino acids).

If you hear a negative report about some vitamin or supplement, saying that it is unsafe, or doesn't do anything to improve your health, and is a waste of money, but all the past evidence shows just the opposite, there is a good chance that it falls into one of the above four categories.

Should you then disregard all negative studies regarding supplements? No - but you should research the current study, as well as previous findings, to find the truth.

Keep in mind the following when considering the safety of vitamins and supplements, especially compared to drugs. An article in the Journal of the American Medical Association reported that an estimated 106,000 hospitalized patients die each year from drugs that, by medical standards, are properly prescribed and properly administered.

More than 2 million more suffer serious side effects. According to the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service: "The 2003 Annual Report of the American Association of Poison Control Centers Toxic Exposures Surveillance System (1) states that there have been only two deaths allegedly caused by vitamins.

Almost half of all Americans take nutritional supplements every day, some 145,000,000 individual doses daily, for a total of over 53 billion doses annually. And from that, two alleged deaths? That is a product safety record without equal."

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Cultured, Whole Food Vitamins and Supplements - Best Source of Dietary Supplementation

Whole foods are our best source of nutrition and provide the most complete sources of vitamins and minerals. We are nourished by eating whole foods because they contain the necessary proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other micronutrients that our body needs for proper nourishment and optimal health.

Unfortunately, most of us do not eat enough variety of whole, nutrient-dense foods for proper nutrition levels. Instead, our modern diets include too many processed foods that provide sub-standard levels of nutrients.

These days, dietary supplementation is often needed to provide our nutritional requirements for optimum health and energy.

The Complexity of Whole Food Vitamins and Dietary Supplements

Dietary supplements and vitamins made from whole foods contain not only recognized vitamins and minerals, but a whole symphony of other micronutrients (phytonutrients or phytochemicals) that work in concert with vitamins and minerals to orchestrate a natural harmony in our bodies.

More than 25,000 different micronutrients, also known as cofactors, have been discovered in whole fruits and vegetables alone. These micronutrients are still being studied, but what we do know is that they not only provide additional nutritional support, they also enhance the effectiveness and absorption of other nutrients contained in whole foods.

An interesting study was conducted by researchers at the USDA's Jean Mayer Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University in Boston. Two different age groups of men and women were fed a diet containing ten servings of fruits and vegetables a day.

Then they measured the 'antioxidant capacity' of the participants' blood samples by seeing how well the blood deactivated damaging oxidized free radicals in a test tube. After two weeks, the antioxidant capacity of the participants' blood rose in both groups, though more consistently in the older people. Based on this and other studies, it appears that compounds other than vitamins C and E and carotenoids contribute a major portion of the increase in antioxidant capacity.

Food researcher Vic Shayne, Ph.D. clearly describes the complexity of whole food nutrition and how this cannot be duplicated in the lab with vitamin isolates, in the following quotation:

Since whole food ingredients are natural, they contain a host of nutrients that exist within a complex.

A food complex includes not only vitamins and minerals, but also many cofactors (helper nutrients) that are found in nature's foods as a result of the evolutionary process.

Cofactors and food complexes therefore cannot be made in a laboratory nor can they be duplicated by scientists.

Many nutritional doctors and researchers conclude that cofactors are often more valuable than vitamins and minerals, and that food cannot be duplicated due to its complexity, dynamism and energy.

Cofactors within nature's foods (which are found also in whole food supplements) include, but are not limited to: vitamins, minerals, terpenes, trace mineral activators, enzymes, co-enzymes, chlorophyll, lipids, essential fatty acids, fiber, carotenoids, antioxidants, flavonoids, pigments, amino acids, whole proteins and more.

The human organism is biologically suited to ingest and utilize nature's whole foods for its sustenance, including the optimal functioning of cells, and for the processes of healing and prevention.

Because (isolated) vitamin and mineral pills are merely comprised of isolated chemicals, the body often regards these as foreign invaders.

Many vitamins, minerals and amino acids produce toxic side effects ranging from skin itching and flushing (niacin, for example) to liver impairment (vitamin A palmitate, for example).

The ingredients within foods operate on a system of synergism; in other words they work as 'teams' to feed cells. The interwoven, interrelated and complementary functions of food particles represent some of Nature's most wonderful properties of synergistic power and function.

Synergism is defined as the interaction of two or more agents or forces so that their combined effect is greater than the sum of their individual effects: working together.

The Power of Fermentation and Probiotic Cultures

We understand that dietary supplements created from whole foods provide a more complex source of nutrition than isolated supplements created in a lab. So, what happens when we incorporate a probiotic fermentation process to whole food nutritional ingredients?

I am sure we have all heard of Captain Cook's remedy for scurvy on his ships. Due to the lack of fresh produce on long voyages, he would require all his sailors to eat sauerkraut, which is fermented cabbage. Scurvy is caused by a vitamin C deficiency; by fermenting cabbage, the Vitamin C levels of the cabbage are increased.

The power of the fermentation and culturing process is due to the additional nutrients that are created by the activated bacteria. By culturing live, whole foods in probiotics (healthy, beneficial, naturally occurring bacteria), a synergy of health promoting compounds is created.

Those compounds produce much greater results than the sum of the individual whole food nutritional ingredients. According to Dr. Richard Sarnat, M.D., co-author of "The Life Bridge: The Way to Longevity with Probiotic Nutrients," "These (cultured) nutrients promote the health of the entire digestive system. It's the process of fermentation that unlocks all these wonderful nutrients."

In her book, "Nourishing Traditions," author Sally Fallon, further explains the benefits of the lacto-fermentation process: "Like the fermentation of dairy products, preservation of vegetables and fruits by the process of lacto-fermentation has numerous advantages beyond those of simple preservation.

The proliferation of lactobacilli (probiotics) in fermented vegetables enhances their digestibility and increases vitamin levels. These beneficial organisms produce numerous helpful enzymes as well as antibiotic and anticarcinogenic substances. Their main by-product, lactic acid, not only keeps vegetables and fruits in a state of perfect preservation but also promotes the growth of healthy flora throughout the intestine."


By supplementing our diets with cultured, whole food vitamins and supplements, we are able to provide our bodies with the complexity of nutrients missing from our modern diets, delivered in a cultured, whole food form that our bodies recognize and utilize efficiently.

Nutrients from isolated vitamins and supplements are not adequate for our dietary requirements because they lack the cofactors and micronutrients needed and are not recognized by our bodies as food.

As a Clinical Nutritionist, I recommend my clients and customers eat a whole food, natural diet and use cultured, whole food vitamins and dietary supplements for optimal health. I am impressed with nutrition companies such as Garden of Life, Mt.

Capra, and New Chapter, because they follow these health promoting principles of using only whole food ingredients and a culturing probiotic process in their vitamin and supplement formulas.

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